About Anna

A Texas girl at heart, I was born and raised in Dallas and obtained my BFA in Design from the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Design and Creative Technologies. After graduating in May 2019, I completed a summer design internship in New York, fell in love with the city, and stayed for a year. NYC opened doors to an extraordinary world of design—I was constantly absorbing narratives and beauty. Working in the city grew my professional design skills tremendously and I am excited to apply what I learned there to a full-time graphic design position in Dallas.

I am passionate about design, particularly branding and visual identity and how it translates to the environment and experiences. My eyes (& heart & soul) see design in everything—whether it’s cold brew coffee, clouds in the sky, reflections in the window, great music, people, or patterns of shadow and light.

Design has the power to transform—hearts, minds, attitudes, destinations, purposes—and I believe it’s essential in our world that good design is present to provide simplicity, functionality, and joy. I have a background in fine art and enjoy road trips, running outdoors, photography, and spending time with my pup, Paisley.